About us
HubMed has been inspired by the concept of medical purchasing groups that have been successfully operating in the United States and many Western European countries. While developing our standards, we apply the best practices and adapt them to the reality and specificity of our market.
While establishing HubMed, we have invited medical and administrative staff to cooperate. This has allowed us to listen to your voice and find out about your daily needs and challenges you face. We know that we are strong together, and can solve many of your problems in cooperation. While operating on large volumes and creating the economies of scale, we can relieve both, medical centres, and individual suppliers, of many unnecessary and time-consuming tasks.
Our team are people who treat this change as a mission, and wish to implement new standards of cooperation and mutual trust. These are specialists with long experience in management of medical centres and distribution of medical equipment.
We have long been cooperating with major medical companies, building model business relations with them, and now we want to translate these relations to the benefit of our partners. Simply a win-win situation. This is because, instead of scattering their activities, suppliers also prefer to talk to an organisation that speaks in one voice. And it is HubMed who can act as your voice in these negotiations. Act in your best interest.